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ACTION Alert: AHCIA Cosponsor Milestone and New Fact Sheets

AHCIA Reaches 200 House Cosponsors!

Today, the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (AHCIA) in the House gained its 200th cosponsor! The bill, H.R. 3238, has 100 Republicans and 100 Democrats signed on in support, making it the most cosponsored bipartisan tax bill in the chamber. Moreover, cosponsors represent 79 percent of the Ways and Means Committee and nine serve as chairs of House committees. With more Democrats waiting to be added, we need only nine more Republican cosponsors before we get to a simple majority of all House members.

In the Senate, S. 1557 has 30 cosponsors. The 15 Republican Senators signed onto the bill represent the largest number of Republican supporters ever secured in that chamber for the AHCIA, but ACTION and its partners are working hard to continue increasing that support. There are 24 Democrats in the Senate queue who must be paired with Republicans to officially be added to the bill.

Continuing to increase support for the AHCIA is critical for our advocacy to secure provisions from the legislation in the tax package Congress is currently negotiating.

ACTION Fact Sheets Updated

ACTION is pleased to announce that we have updated the National, State, and District Fact Sheets with the latest data on the impact of the Housing Credit and the AHCIA. The new fact sheets provide the perfect opportunity for advocates to follow up with their Members of Congress with the updated data and ask them again to cosponsor the AHCIA. If your legislators are already cosponsors, please share the updated fact sheets and ask them to weigh in with their respective tax committee and chamber leaders, asking them to include the Housing Credit in any tax package that moves forward in Congress.

Check out the rest of our advocacy toolkit as well!

Reminder: January Monthly Newsletter & 2023 Year-in-Review Coming January 2

A friendly reminder that since New Year’s Day is on a Monday, ACTION will send its January monthly newsletter and 2023 year-in-review on Tuesday, January 2. The January monthly meeting date and time remain unchanged: Friday, January 6 at 2:00 PM ET. Happy holidays!

Max Brossy

Max Brossy is a tax policy analyst at Enterprise Community Partners. The ACTION Campaign is co-chaired by Enterprise and the National Council of State Housing Agencies.


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