black and white analogue picture of the united states capitol

ACTION Alert: Urgent Advocacy Needed NOW for Housing Credit and Congressional Tax Deal

Congress’ tax-writing committees met today to discuss details of the tax package currently being negotiated. There is a lot of congressional support, but we do not have confirmation that the Housing Credit is in the deal being discussed right now. This means that we need you to reach out to all your Members of Congress and convey why it is imperative the Housing Credit be included. To help, ACTION created this advocacy tool to allow constituents to quickly and easily contact their Senators and Representatives.

If you want to do more personalized outreach, you can tailor your message using ACTION’s recently updated national, state, and local fact sheets and the rest of our advocacy resources to convey the importance of the Housing Credit. Be sure to ask your Senators and Representatives to weigh in with the heads of their respective party and chamber’s tax committees and congressional leadership. Congress needs to hear this message now. If you have any questions or need contact information for congressional staff, please email us at

While there is still time for your advocacy, the window is closing fast, so make sure to devote a few minutes today, tomorrow, as soon as possible, to urge Congress to include Housing Credit provisions in this tax package. Thank you to those who have already done so since yesterday!

Max Brossy

Max Brossy is a tax policy analyst at Enterprise Community Partners. The ACTION Campaign is co-chaired by Enterprise and the National Council of State Housing Agencies.

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